
4.6 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

5.0 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

4.6 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Web Development - Angular

Angularize Your Web Development Journey!

Are you ready to take your web development skills to the next level? Look no further than Angular - a powerful framework that simplifies the process of building dynamic web applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, Angular offers a robust set of tools and features to streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity.

At Monopoly IT, we're passionate about helping developers harness the full potential of Angular to create stunning, responsive, and interactive web applications. Our comprehensive resources, tutorials, and community support make learning Angular enjoyable and accessible for developers of all levels.

Why Angular?

Angular is more than just a framework; it's a comprehensive platform for building modern web applications. Few of the key reasons why Angular should be your framework of choice include Modular Development, Two-Way Data Binding, Dependency Injection, Routing, Cross-Platform Compatibility etc.

Ready to Angularize your web development journey? Let's dive in together!

Web Development Course Includes

120 Hours of Training

240 Hours of Practice

Project Related Scenarios

Flexible Class Timings

Individual Doubts Clarification

Career Guidance

free Add-ons

Most of the IT Jobs in the industry expect the following add-on skills. Hence, we offer these skills-set as FREE

Courses (Basics) to ease your learning process and help you stay ahead of the competition.

  • C & DS
  • SDLC
  • Git Hub
  • Resume Prep..
  • Soft Skills
  • Mock Inter..

Web Development Project Oriented Course Curriculum

You will be exposed to the following Web Development training content

  • HTML & CSS
    • Intro to HTML Syntax
    • The HTML, head, title, & body tags
    • Headings, paragraphs, & lists
    • The strong & em tags
    • The doctype
    • The meta tag
    • Formatting tags
    • Anchor tag, hrefs & download
    • Linking to pages within a website
    • The break tag
    • Creating Paragraphs
    • Table & other tags in Tables
    • The image tag, source & alt attribute
    • span, div & iframe
    • HTML Semantic Elements
    • Editing HTML in the DevTools Elements panel
    • Intro to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    • Inline, Internal & External CSS
    • CSS Selectors
    • CSS Specificity
    • The font-size, font-family, color, & line-height properties
    • Hexadecimal color codes
    • Position Properties
    • Display Properties
    • Padding & Margin Properties
    • Background & Color Properties
    • CSS borders
    • Creating Shadows in CSS
    • Media quiries
    • Enabling, disabling, & editing CSS in the DevTools
    • Using DevTools to fine-tune your CSS
    • Bootstrap

  • Javascript
    • Intro to Javascript
    • ECMA Standard
    • Different Javascript Engines
    • Data Types & Operators
    • Control Statements & Loops
    • Displaying Pop up messages
    • Functions in Javascript
    • Arrow Functions
    • Variable & Functions Hoisting
    • let, var & const
    • Objects in Javascript
    • Different Types of Object creations
    • Creating classes using function
    • Prototype
    • Shallow copy & Deep copy
    • Arrays
    • Array functions - map, filter, reduce....
    • Closures
    • Event handling
    • DOM Manipulation
    • Data Validations
    • Template literals
    • Spread Operator & Rest Parameters
    • Object & Array Destructuring
    • call, apply & bind
    • Call back functions
    • Promises
    • async and await
    • setTimeout, setInterval
    • Event looping
    • Browser API - Fetch API
    • Web Storages - Local, Session Storages & Cookies

  • Typescript
    • Intro to Typescript
    • Diff. Between Javascript & Typescript
    • Data Types & Variables
    • Working with classes
    • Inheritance
    • Working with Interfaces
    • Generics
    • Modules & Namespace

  • Angular
    • Intro to Angular
    • Intro to SPA - Single Page Application
    • Angular application bootstrapping flow
    • Data Bindings
    • RouterModule and Routing
    • Eager Loading and Lazy Loading
    • Modules
    • Component & Life Cycle
    • Directives
    • Services & DI
    • Pipes
    • Data Sharing between components
    • Route Parameter & Query Parameters
    • Auth Guards
    • Interceptors
    • HttpClientModule & HttpClient
    • Route Resolvers
    • Creating Reusable components
    • Observabls, Subjects & Types of Subjects
    • Rxjs Operators

  • Version Control System
    • Introduction to Version Control System
    • Distributed vs Non-distributed VCS
    • Alternatives to Git
    • Cloud-based solutions (Github, Gitlab, BitBucket etc)
  • Git
    • Installing Git
    • Common configurations
    • Gui Tools
    • Clone, Checkout, Working Tree, Staging Area
    • Add, Commit, Push, Pull, Stash
    • Working with Local Repository
    • Working with Remote Repository
    • Branhing, Merging Branches
    • Stashing Changes

  • Project
    • Introduction to Project
    • Front End App with Angular
    • Integrating API
    • Version Control System - GIT


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