
4.6 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

5.0 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

4.6 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

AWS & DevOps

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. It includes a mixture of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and packaged software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings. AWS offers tools such as compute power, database storage and content delivery services.

Unlock Your Future in Cloud Computing and IT Automation

Welcome to our premier AWS & DevOps Training program! Whether you're just starting your journey into the world of cloud computing or looking to enhance your existing skills, our comprehensive training courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical experience needed to excel in today's competitive IT landscape.

Why to Choose Our AWS & DevOps Training?

  • Expert-Led Curriculum
  • Comprehensive Coverage
  • Hands-On Experience
  • Flexible Learning Options (Online & Offline)

Whether you're looking to advance your career or simply stay ahead of the curve, our AWS & DevOps training program will empower you to achieve your goals. Join us today and take the first step towards mastering the art and science of cloud computing!

AWS & DevOps Course Includes

120 Hours of Training

240 Hours of Practice

Real Time Scenarios

Flexible Class Timings

Individual Doubts Clarification

Career Guidance

free Add-ons

Most of the IT Jobs in the industry expect the following add-on skills. Hence, we offer these skills-set as FREE

Courses (Basics) to ease your learning process and help you stay ahead of the competition.

  • Linux
  • Networking
  • Resume Prep..
  • Mock Inter..

AWS & DevOps Real Time Course Curriculum

You will be exposed to the following AWS & DevOps training content

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
    • What is Cloud Computing
    • Benefits of Cloud Computing
    • Cloud Service Offerings-IaaS SaaS & PaaS
    • Cloud deployment models
    • Who should learn AWS
    • Opportunities & Job Roles in the cloud
    • AWS Suite
    • Virtualization in AWS
    • AWS vs Azure vs GCP
  • Networking Concepts
    • IP Address
    • VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
    • Subnets
    • Route Table Configuration
    • Internet Gateway
    • Security Groups
    • Private & public subnets
    • Calculating CIDR Blocks
    • Elastic IPs & public IPs
    • NACLs
    • VPC Peering Connection
    • NAT Gateway
    • VPC Endpoints
  • Elastic Compute Cloud
    • EC2 Introduction
    • Region and availability Zones
    • EC2 Types
    • Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
    • Instance Resizing
    • Instance Types Generations & Sizes
    • Launching Linux and windows family servers
    • Connecting Server using different tools
    • AMI Creation and copy
    • Launching public and private Servers
    • Working with Security Groups and NACL

  • Elastic Block Store (EBS)
    • EBS Introduction
    • Volume Types
    • Creating Snapshots (Backups)
    • Restoring from Snapshots
    • Resizing Volumes
    • Migrating Volumes to Another Region
  • Elastic File System (EFS)
    • Introduction to EFS
    • Creating EFS file system
    • Mounting to multiple EC2 instances
    • FSx Introduction
    • Features of FSx
  • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
    • ELB introduction
    • Types of Load Balancers
    • Application Load Balancer
    • Classic Load Balancer
    • Network Load Balancer
    • Gateway Load Balancer
    • Weighted Routing
    • Sticky Session
  • Auto Scaling
    • Auto Scaling Introduction
    • TComponents of Auto scaling
    • Launch Configuration
    • Scaling Policies
  • Auto Scaling with ELB
    • Application ELB
    • Auto scaling
    • Dynamic Registration

  • IAM (Identity & Access Management)
    • User & Service management
    • Managing Passwords Policies
    • Key Management Service
    • Managing Roles
    • Activating Multi-Factor Authentication
    • Identity Federation
    • Managing Programmatic Access
    • Writing Custom Policies
    • AWS CLI
    • AWS CLI Commands
  • KMS (Key Management Service)
    • What is KMS
    • Creating KMS key
    • Managing KMS admin and usage permissions

  • Databases
    • RDS Introduction
    • Redshift for DataWarehousing
    • NoSQL-DynamoDB
    • Taking Automated Backups
    • Migrating DB Across Regions
    • Dynamo DB Basics
    • Dynamo DB Creation and working
  • DMS
    • Local Database Configuration
    • RDS Configuration
    • Endpoint URLS
    • Migration Task
    • Migrating DB Across Regions

  • Route53 (DNS & Domain Registration)
    • DNS Flow
    • Fundamentals of Route53
    • Registering A Domain
    • Creating Hosted Zones
    • Record Sets (A,AAAA,CNAME)
  • CloudFront (Content Delivery Network)
    • CDN
    • Gio restriction
    • Configuration
    • Routing policy (Simple weighted failover geo location & latency based)
  • S3 - Simple Storage Services
    • Standard Storage
    • Standard-Infrequently Accessed
    • Reduced Redundancy
    • Encrypting Objects
    • Uploading deleting &downloading objects
    • Versioning
    • Lifecycle Management
    • Cross Region Replica
    • S3 Logging
    • Static Website Hosting
    • Cross-region Replication
    • Configuring Events
    • Glacier and Snowball

  • Elastic Beanstalk
    • Elastic Beanstalk Creation
    • Uploading Templates
    • View History
  • Monitoring Cloud Watch
    • Cloud Trail
    • Basic & Detailed Monitoring
    • Creating custom dashboards & widgets
    • Setting up alerts
    • Configuring events & rules
    • Setting alarms
    • EC2actions
  • Simple Services
    • Simple Queue Service(SQS)
    • Simple Email Service(SES)
    • Simple Notification Service(SNS)

  • Cloud Formation
    • Stacks Creation
    • Stack Modifications
    • Launching Services
  • Python
    • Python Introduction
    • Basics of python
    • Variables, Data types and Operators
    • Python Functions
  • Lambda Services
    • EC2 Launching
    • Start and Stopping Servers
    • S3 Triggering using Lambda Function

  • Linux Commands
    • About Linux
    • Linux Distributions
    • Linux Architecture
    • Basic Linux Commands
    • File Permission
    • Shell Scripting Introduction
    • Shell Scripting Basics
  • Software Development Lifecycle
    • About SDLC Process
    • Different SDLC Models
    • About Waterfall Model
    • Merits and Demerits of waterfall Model
    • About Agile Model
    • Merits and Demerits of Agile Model
    • Agile Execution Process
  • Source Code Management
    • About Version Control System
    • Central VCS vs. Distributed VCS
    • About Git Hub
    • Repository Creation
    • Git Lifecycle
    • git commands
    • git undo operations-git revert, reset and check out
    • git tags, clean, cherry-pick
    • gitmerge, rebase
    • git merge conflict
    • git PullRequest
    • git branching strategies
  • Containerization Tool - Docker
    • Docker Architecture
    • Docker Lifecycle
    • Docker Registry
    • Docker commands
    • Docker volumes vs bind mount
    • Docker file
    • Dockerfile instruction
    • Docker compose
    • Docker Network
    • Docker swarms cluster
  • Configmanagement Tool - Ansible
    • Ansible Architecture
    • Ansible Installation
    • Adhoc commands
    • Configure Master & Remote
    • Playbooks
    • Package installation & uninstallation
    • COPY Module
    • FETCH Module
    • File Module
    • Template Module.j2
    • Ansible Tags
    • Ansible Roles
  • OrchestrationTool - Kubernetes
    • K8S Architecture
    • Kubadm baremetal/Nativeinstallation
    • Kubernetes cluster configuration
    • Master-slaveconfig
    • Kubernetes Deployment files
    • Pods creation
    • Service creation
    • Kubernetes Deployment Strategies
    • Ingress Rules Configuration
    • K8S-Dashboard Configuration
    • Custom Image Deployment using Kubernetes DashBoard
    • EKS on AWS Environment
  • CI Tool Jenkins
    • Jenkins configuration
    • Jenkins Jobs
    • Jenkins plugins
    • Master-Slave config in Jenkins
    • Chain Jobs Creations
    • Jenkins Pipelines
    • Jenkins-GitHub Integration
    • Jenkins-GitHub-Maven Integration
    • Jenkins-GITHUB-Maven-EC2 Integration
    • Jenkins-GITHUB-Docker, Ansible Integration
    • Scripted pipeline-Groovy declarative scripting
  • A Build Tool Maven, MSBuild
    • About Maven
    • About POM.xml
    • About Dependencies
    • About Artifacts
    • Maven Phases
  • QA Tool - SonarQube
    • SonarQube Installation
    • Executing Applications
    • Jenkins Integration with SonarQube
  • Provisiong Tool - Terraform
    • Basics of Terraform
    • End to End Application execution
    • Architecture Initialization


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